Author: Jessica Mele
I'm Jessica Mele and have been an online entrepreneur for over 16 years. As "The Relaxed Marketer", my goal is to help you start or grow your business in the way that works best for you. Whatever your time constraints are or what you're interested in, I can help you make your business fit your life! If you have problems figuring out what to promote or talk to your audience about, check out
Affiliate Marketing Monthly, where every month you'll get ideas on what to talk to your audience about, and what to promote so that you'll be happy and so will they!
This tip might sound obvious…but I bet there is a good chance you don’t do it. When you’re working, let people know that you’re busy and can’t be interrupted. For …
I’ve been doing the 100 Day Challenge for the past 8 so or weeks. I haven’t been the best about keeping up to date with posting about it, but I’m …
I realize this is going to sound counter productive. But if you’re one of those people that feels like they need to be always working, this tip is for you. …
One way to get more done is to set specific times to do work. If you have 8 hours to do something, it will often take you a long time …
Most people don’t drink enough water each day. When you don’t get enough water, even if you’re only a little bit dehydrated, you’ll have less energy. You might feel lethargic, …
If you want to be more productive, stay way from your email, as well as other time sucking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or whatever site you spend your time …
Here is another tip that might be counter intuitive. If you want to be more productive, exercise. I don’t mean you have to spend hours at the gym, but you …
I know this sounds counter intuitive, but in order to be more productive, you need to take time to relax. If you don’t, you’ll burn out. Plus, if you always …
Back in the days of mainframe computers, sometimes it took a long time for things to compute. So there was something called “batch”, which was defined as “a set of …
This is going to sound like a silly tip, but I promise it will help you be more productive. When you’re about to work on something, unless you absolutely must …