Recommended Tools

I often get asked what products and tools I use in my business, and what I recommend to them.  So I figured I’d make it easy and share some of my favorite products/tools/companies here.  If you have any questions, please let me know!


I have a lot of websites, so I currently have multiple hosting accounts. All of them have great customer service and will help you with any problems or questions you may have. They also start at really low prices if that’s important to you!

  • Bluehost – Bluehost is inexpensive, and is very easy to use. They have good customer service.
  • Hostmonster – Hostmonster is also inexpensive, and very easy to use. They also have good customer service.
  • A2 Hosting – I haven’t used them yet, but have heard great things about their customer service. If/when I need another hosting account, this is where I’ll get it. They’re also inexpensive and easy to use.
  • Namecheap – This is where I buy all of my domains.  They have great customer service as well!

Email Marketing:

Once you have a website, this is one of the most important tools you need. Once you have an email marketing account, you can start building you list, send out emails to that list, and make more money!

  • Aweber – Aweber makes it easy for you to set up autoresponders, create opt-in boxes, and more. I’ve been using them for years and any time I’ve had a question or issue, they’ve responded right away.


These are all tools that I use with my WordPresss blogs.

  • WordPress – This is free, and is what I run my blogs on. It’s really easy to use, and even better, the search engines like it! With most hosting accounts, it is VERY easy to install and set up as well.
  • My Theme Shop – This is where this theme came from, as well as many of the themes on my other sites. It made sense for me to purchase their option to use all of their themes, and I’m loving it!
  • Pretty Link Plugin – Notice how all of my links start with That’s because of Pretty Link. Some affiliate URLs can be really messy. This makes them all look really nice. While they do have a paid plugin with more features, I’m happy using their free one.
  • Statcounter – Want to know what pages people are clicking on, or how many people visit your site a day? How about where they come from, or how long they stay on your site? All of these and more can be found by using Statcounter. This is another plugin that has a free version (which is what I use) as well as a paid version. I love being able to tell what people typed into the different search engines to get to my sites. It often tells you what result you were as well!
  • Google Analytics – This is the more well known analytics site.  Put this on your website, and you’ll get a lot of information about who comes to your website, what they visit, and how long they stay.  It’s very helpful!
  • Canva – This is where I create any graphics, logos, social media graphics, presentations and more.  I have ZERO artistic ability. None.  Yet somehow when I use Canva, things look so much better!  I only have the free account right now, and absolutely love it.  I use it multiple times a week.
  • iDrive – I was really bad about backing up my files. But I was scared to death of losing all of my pictures (and my work documents too.) So I found and purchased iDrive. Now my files are automatically backed up without me having to do anything. I feel a lot better about this. It can even backup your phones too if you want so you don’t lose the pictures there either.
  • – I love to read, but don’t have enough time to read all of the books I want to. Here you can get a free premium account where you’ll be able to read PhilosophersNotes which breaks non-fiction books down into 6-page PDFs or 20 minute MP3s. There is also other great free training available as well.

High Quality PLR:

PLR (Private Label Rights) content is something that is done-for-you, and you can use it how you’d like. You can give it away, sell it, put it on your blog, create courses from it, and more. You just need to check the license first, as there are some you can’t give away or post on your blog. But other than that, you can use it however you want. It makes you an instant expert and lets you get a LOT more done in the time you have to work on your business. The following sites have very high quality PLR – you won’t be disappointed. I’ve purchased from each of them multiple times, and can easily recommend them. I even automatically pay monthly to many of them to get their latest PLR!

  • – Ronnie Nijmeh offers a lot different types of PLR, including full products, memberships, guides, and more in multiple niches such as business, personal development, and more.
  • Content Sparks PLR – Sharyn Sheldon offers great business PLR courses, PLR infographics, PLR reports, and more.
  • Tools for Motivation – Justin Popovic has great self help and motivational PLR.
  • Coachglue – If you’re a coach or want to teach people about having an online business, Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold have great PLR planners, journals, courses, video scripts, blog posts, and more.
  • Piggy Makes Bank – Tracy Roberts and Susanne Myers have great PLR in the health, self-help, and business niches.
  • Publish for Prosperity – Alice Seba has great PLR in personal development niches.
  • EKit Hub – Alice Seba and Yusef Kulan have great product templates and done for you Ekits.
  • Master PLR – Geoff and Susie O’Dea have great PLR in health & wellness and personal development niches.



My Productivity Tools:

Some of these may seem random, but they help me get more done in a day. You may find some of these helpful, or you may come up with other things that help you get more done each day.

  • Evernote – This is a great tool to store notes, info from websites and more. You can create to do lists, save web pages, and create different notebooks to keep everything neat and organized. What I love is that you can use it on two devices (with the free version) so you can type it up on one device and bring it up on the other!
  • The Surf Shelf – This is a stand for laptops that goes on an indoor bicycle or treadmill. It’s so you can work while you exercise. I don’t know why, but I get more done while I’m slowly walking and working than when I’m sitting on my couch working.
  • Spotify – I also find that I work better while listening to music. You can get a free Spotify account, and you can listen to (almost) any song you want, whenever you want to.

Note: I am an affiliate marketer, so many of these links are affiliate links. You will never pay more for a product because of it, and sometimes I can get you discounts that you otherwise would not be able to get.