If you’re an affiliate marketer, you want to promote products wherever it makes sense. After a while though, you may run out of “new” places to promote. You promote on your blog, in your emails, and maybe even on social media.
Where else can you promote affiliate products that makes sense, and will help you make more sales? You may not believe it, but any thank you pages and download pages are great places to promote!
Why You Should Use Transactional Pages to Promote
Any transactional page that your buyer is going to see is a great place to promote an affiliate product. Your thank you pages and download pages are only seen by people who have already decided that they like and trust you (at least a little.) The only way to get to these pages is to sign up for something! Whether it’s a free opt-in that someone gave their email for, or a paid product, they couldn’t get there any other way.
This means that even if they don’t know you very well yet, they’ve decided (a little bit at least) that they like you. They want to get to know you better and learn from you. That’s a great thing, and means that they’re willing to hear what you have to say!
If they’re telling you this, it would be silly not to use this opportunity to make more money when you can and add more value to your customers lives. We know that selling is easier when you sell to existing customers (or at least those on your list) than strangers. So why not take advantage of it?
How to Use Transactional Pages to Make More Money
There are many different things that you can do on your download and/or thank you page to help you make more money and serve your audience better.
Here are a few things that you can offer. Consider adding a coupon for a future purchase – this can encourage repeat buying. Even if they’re new and haven’t bought from you yet, giving a coupon might convince them to buy from you. Want to promote an affiliate product like this? Talk to the product owner and see if they’re willing to give you a coupon code that you can put on your thank you page and/or download page. They might be happy to do that as they know a page like that can have a good return.
Add a share button so that they can share with their friends and family what they bought. Maybe one of them will be interested in buying as well.
If the person purchased something, consider showing them an upsell. Maybe they’ll want to buy a workbook to go along with their product. Or they might be interested in something that’s similar that will help them in the same subject. There are likely many affiliate products that will go with whatever it was that the person just purchased.
Test, Tweak, and Test Again
One thing you’ll want to make sure of is that you don’t add too many choices. If there are too many options, people may be paralyzed as to what to do next, which means they’ll do nothing. But if there is only one option, they might take it.
If you want, you can do an A/B test so that you can see which product does better, and then keep that one. In fact, you should always be testing. If something isn’t working that well, try something else, and keep trying until you get a good result.
If you’re adding something to the thank you page or download page of a free opt-in, make sure it’s a low priced offer. If the person hasn’t spent any money with you yet, and in fact they’re just signing up to your list now, there is a good chance they don’t know you very well. They definitely don’t know you well enough to spend a lot of money with you. They must have a little bit of trust and interest though, or they wouldn’t have signed up to your list.
This means that you can offer them something small to purchase. It can be something of yours or an affiliate product, it doesn’t matter. But you don’t want to offer something too expensive, or no one will take it. If it’s a low priced offer though, someone may be interested and take advantage of it.
Using transactional web pages to add affiliate promotions can help everyone. You’ll provide more value to your audience and you’ll be able to bring in more money as well. It’s something that won’t take much time to set up, and yet will continue to earn you more money for years to come. Spend a little bit of time figuring out the perfect promotion to add to your thank you page and download pages, and you’ll be happy you did.