I’ve been trying to come up with a way to help a lot of my readers…
So I tried to think about what would help me the most right now, so I found something that would and thought we could all do it together.
One of my biggest problems is blogging consistently on many of my websites (including this one!) It’s not a lack of ideas, I have a ton of ideas of things to write about. It’s the fact that I always feel like there is so much to do with my business that I either get nothing done, or something else always seems more important than writing my next blog post.
But here’s the thing. Your blog is important! A lot of people will find you this way. Especially if you have awesome content! If someone hears about you and wants to know more, they’ll go to your blog. If they like one of your products and want to know more…they’ll go to your blog. See what I mean? So posting on your blog should really be one of your top priorities.
So, starting July 1st, I think we should all strive to post one blog post a day. Every post doesn’t need to be “EPIC”. Every post doesn’t need to be pages and pages long. It just needs to be helpful.
If you’re worried about joining in because you don’t want to have to work every single day in July, don’t worry. You can always write a bunch of posts in one day or week, and then set WordPress to post one live a day. You don’t have to do work every single day of the month if you don’t want to! I don’t often work on weekends, so I’ll try to write extra posts during the week so that on Saturday and Sunday they’re already written and I don’t have to do anything.
I just stopped what I was doing and added the word FREE to the title of the blog post. I’m not looking to make anything off of this. I genuinely want to help you get your business to the next stage, whatever that is for you.
For me, it’s about being more consistent with my blog. If you’re already blogging consistently, maybe you can make it 31 incredible blog posts for July, or something that would be helping you grow.
I’ll be doing the challenge on a blog that I write about how to have a happier life. I talk about a lot of other things too, but really it’s about doing what you want with your life so you’re happy. I do plan on coming back here after each day though, to write about what I decided to post and why, to also to be held accountable, and to help you come up with ideas, and (hopefully) give you inspiration.
I think that if we all spend the 31 days of July posting, that we’ll grow our readership, and also get more viewers from search engines. It can’t hurt, right?
If you’re wondering how on earth you’ll come up with 31 things to post about…I have a few tricks that will help and I’ll post about them tomorrow.
It would be silly of me not to mention at this point though that I did just release a new product that is all about figuring out things to write about, as well as promote. It’s called Monetize Your Life…and while I didn’t even think about this when I decided to start the challenge, it would be silly of me not to mention it here. I won’t be mentioning it again though during the challenge.
Please, join me and by the end of July, you’ll have 31 more blog posts and that many more chances for traffic to come to your website!
Here are the other posts in this series so far:
- Coming up with a Month’s Worth of Blog Post Ideas
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 6
- Day 7
- Day 9
- Day 12
- Day 13
- Day 14
- Day 15
- Day 21
- Day 28
- Day 33 (Better Late Than Never!)
- What to Do with All of this Content!