The 31 Day Blog Post Challenge is FINALLY over….
Yes, it’s 2 days into the new month. But I just finished the last 3 blog posts. I know I don’t work on weekends. So when I wasn’t finished by Friday, I knew I’d still have a few posts to do on Monday, but I’m OK with that.
Why? Because it’s Monday morning, and I’m finished. How many people saw that I was a few days behind? Probably not all that many. And now only 2 days late, all of the blog posts are there, and anyone that goes to the blog will see 31 posts on one subject!
I’m really glad I started this challenge, and if you did one as well, I hope you feel as good as I do about it.
I was having a hard time getting myself to post on that blog, even though I had a lot of ideas…and do you know what happened while I was posting daily? I ended up posting on other topics as well! There were a few things I’ve been wanting to post about for a while, and I got those posted during the past month.
I’m hoping that because I’m used to posting every day to that blog, that now I’ll continue, even though the month is over.
And now that you’re done…do you know what you have? A month’s worth of content! That’s an awesome accomplishment. And here’s something you might not have thought of…You might have just thought you were posting to your blog for a month…but you’ll be excited to see what you can do with all of this content now.
This post is part of a One Blog Post a Day Challenge! Hopefully by the end of the month you’ll have 31 new blog posts, more traffic, more engagement, and more income too!