Do you get stressed when it’s time to write your next post?
Maybe just being in WordPress, looking at a blank screen waiting for your new post to be written makes you nuts?
I have a great suggestion to make it go a lot easier and take the stress away.
At least, it does for me…but then again, I hate when I click “Add New” and have no idea what I’m going to write about.
So here’s what I do…
The night before, I come up with ideas of what I want to post about.
I don’t write the post at all, I just come up with an idea of what the post will be about and write it down.
Even if I don’t come up with a title or any specifics, that alone is usually enough to make it very easy for me to write the post the next day.
If you have a few ideas of what should be included in the post – by all means jot them down too.
I’ve found just having an idea written down takes a lot of the stress out of posting something.
If you really want to make things easier overall – you can have a place where you write down the ideas for posts whenever they come to you. Whether it’s online or in a physical notebook, just having that list will make things so much easier when it’s time to sit down and write a post.
Plus, if you have many to choose from, it’ll be easier to post about whatever you’re in the mood for.
I can’t tell you how much this has helped me.
I used this tip myself before I went to bed last night. During the day I was sitting at a blank screen, no clue what to write about. So at night, I tried to come up with some ideas, and ended up writing down 3 or 4 of them. So today I wrote this post, and I’m sure within the next few days I’ll get the others done as well.
I know it sounds silly, but try it for a few days. I have a feeling you’ll be surprised at how much it helps, and how it really makes your posting go a lot quicker!