This is going to sound like a silly tip, but I promise it will help you be more productive.
When you’re about to work on something, unless you absolutely must get something else done, first think about what you WANT to work on.
What do I mean? There are times that I have blog posts to write, but I am NOT in the mood to write blog posts.
Well, if I’m not in the mood to write blog posts, I’m not going to do a good job. I know myself well enough that I know I’ll try to find anything else to do, and won’t accomplish much at all.
If on the other hand I was in the mood to work on setting up a solo ad, I’d get that done a lot quicker.
Don’t get me wrong. Sometimes there are things you have to get done whether you want to or not…and at those times, you have to suck it up and get them done.
But for the other times, when you have a bunch of choices of what to work on, see what you’re in the mood to do.
If you feel like writing, and are in the zone, then write a blog post, or get some of your Kindle book done.
Then another time, when you feel like doing something else, work on your graphics, or your website, etc…
You’ll get a lot more done that way!
If you’d like to see other tips that are a part of the series, check out 30 Days to a More Productive Business.