Work Less do More Bundle (Looking to get More Done?)

Work Less Do More Bundle

Do you find that you get more work done depending on different things…like whether it’s night time, or early in the morning? Have you noticed you get more done when the weather is perfect outside and you feel great, or if the weather is blah and so you don’t want to go outside? The next time you’re all pumped up and are getting a lot done, take notice of what your surroundings are, and try to figure out why you’re getting so much done. Then, next time you can make sure you’re working in a similar situation so that you’ll get a lot more done!

Speaking of getting more done…a new bundle was just released and I’m excited about it. I wish I knew it was coming out ahead of time because I would have loved to contribute something to it, but I guess I’ll just have to be happy with buying it and learning from the products.

Cindy Bidar and Lynette Chandler want to help make your life easier, so they put this bundle together full of products that will help you work less and yet do more. So every product in this bundle will help you accomplish more, and yet have to put less time into it! What more could you ask for?

The bundle is just $27, but you get 30 different products. Even only downloading one and using it will be more than worth the $27…but you can download as many as you want. Here are just a few of the products included:

  • $50 credit at Thrive Anywhere, where you can get printable planners. They also come with rebrandable rights so that you can use them as lead magnets to build your own list! (worth $50)
  • Work Less, Earn More Workshop – Learn how to change your business so that you can work less and still earn more. (worth $197)
  • Geek in Your Pocket Service – Get 45 days of daily backups, weekly updates, and maintenance of your WordPress site. (worth $73.50)
  • 30 Day Email Marketing Challenge (worth $197)
  • Passive Income Planner – This comes with rights so that you can customize it and sell or use it with your clients. (worth $37)
  • Get More Done in Less Time – Improve your own time management and focus. This also comes with PLR so that you can share it with your audience. (worth $47)
  • …and a lot more!

If you feel like you’re not getting enough done, and want to get more done in less time, check out this awesome bundle now. It’s only available through Sunday:


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