This is the time of year where you’re making all of your plans for the rest of the year.
If you’ve decided that you want to write a book or sell an information product, than great! They are both great ideas, and can earn you a lot of money.
The problem is, they can be a lot of work, and so for a lot of people, it’s only ever something that is on their wish list, and they never make it happen.
If you want to make sure that you get your book or info product written this year, you need to remember these three things:
- Set an end date, with real actionable steps and milestones. A lot of people say they’re going to do it, but never set a date that it will be done by, so they keep postponing it and coming up with excuses not to do it.
- Be as productive as possible, but also know that it means that you may need help. If it’s taking you way too long because you just don’t have the time or knowledge, consider hiring a writer or researcher, or using public domain content. You can also use PLR to get started. There are a lot of ways you can make it easier on yourself and make things easier.
- Learn from the experiences, mistakes, and successes of others. There are a lot of people who have done this already, and make sure you take the advice of those who you know are trustworthy and will lead you in the right direction.
That’s just a few thoughts for you if you want to make sure this is the year to get your book or info product done.
If you’d like some more free training, for the next day or so, you can get a “Write Your Book in 30 Days With Just One Hour’s Work Per Day” Training.
You’ll learn:
- 12 questions to ask yourself before you start.
- 4 key steps to writing a book quickly.
- How to easily write 500-1,000 words per day.
- …and more.
Get Your Free “Write Your Book in 30 Days With Just One Hour’s Work Per Day” Training Now!