If you feel like you’re busy all day, but you never seem to accomplish what you want to, try tracking your time for a few days.
This means that you need to keep a piece of paper and pen right next to you (or an open notepad on your computer), and write down everything you do, and how long it takes.
After a few days, take a look at it, and see where you’re spending your time.
I have a feeling it will be a huge wake up call.
Sure, you might be busy all day – but you might be surprised to spend you’re finding 2 hours a day on Facebook. Or maybe you’re spending 2 hours a day on a social media site that isn’t even getting you any traffic or sales.
Maybe you’ll find that you just keep getting interrupted, so things are taking 3 times as long to get finished.
There are hundreds of reasons you’re “busy” all day, but aren’t getting the things accomplished that you wanted to.
Once you track your time for a few days, you’ll see the proof.
If you’re one of the people that think, “I don’t need to do that, I know where all my time is spent”, I strongly suggest you try it anyway.
You’ll still be surprised…I’m sure of it! You might think you’re spending a few minutes doing something – but it could end up being a huge time waste. Or you could end up seeing you are working hard, but you’re working on things that aren’t really helping your business, and aren’t spending the time on the things that matter.
Try it out. You’ll see how you can become more productive!
If you’d like to see other tips that are a part of the series, check out 30 Days to a More Productive Business.