If you want to be more productive, stay way from your email, as well as other time sucking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or whatever site you spend your time on.
Now of course you can check them, but set a time (preferably AFTER you finish your work) to go and check them.
If you do need to check email for work, then set aside certain times to do it.
If you’re expected to get back to people within an hour, then check your email once an hour. If you don’t have such constraints, then check it less often.
Most people spend a lot of their day checking email, Facebook, and all of the other social media sites out there. Each time you check them, it takes time to “transition” back into the work you were doing, wasting even more time.
The less time you check your email and all of those other websites, the more you’ll find you get done each day.
If you’d like to see other tips that are a part of the series, check out 30 Days to a More Productive Business.