Practical Productivity & Stories that Sell (2 Ways to Earn More!)

It’s almost the end of the year, so hopefully you’ve been thinking about what worked and didn’t this year, and what you want to accomplish next year.

If you didn’t earn as much as you wanted, there are probably many reasons for it. One reason is probably because you’re not as productive as you could be. Just because you’re working doesn’t mean that you’re doing the right things at the right time.

That’s why Cindy Bidar just released “Practical Productivity for Online Entrepreneurs”. In this easy, 9-lesson course, she’s going to walk you through a step-by-step plan that will help you find the lost hours in your week, design a dream schedule you’ll be excited to wake up to every day, and finally get all those to-do items checked off so you can sleep at night with a clear mind and a happy conscience.

You’ll learn how to work smarter (not harder), and how not to be overwhelmed with everything. You’ll have more freedom than before, and be able to earn more too!

Now through Sunday night, use code GETMOREDONE to get $30 off!

Tomorrow afternoon, Angela Wills is going to be doing a brand new training called “Stories that make Sales!”

In this training, she’s sharing how she infuses stories into most everything she does from her email marketing to her membership to her digital products and blog. She’s sharing her life and getting paid to do so!

In this live training, you’ll learn the reason that stories are so powerful and how to harness that power in your marketing. You’ll learn how to incorporate stories into your business to inspire. You’ll also learn what kind of stories to share for the most impact…along with a lot more!

Since she’s going to share not only the workbook but the recording as well, don’t worry if you can’t make it live. You won’t miss a thing!

If you use code chatter now through the end of the year, you’ll get $10 off!

Learn How to Make More Money with Less Stress!