My Mints App 2.0 Review – It was Really Easy!

Yesterday afternoon, I purchased Mints App 2.0.

Why? It just seemed really cool. I really liked the idea that you could create a poll really easily.

I know people will click on polls. I know I do!

What’s really cool is that you can use this to put people on different lists, or promote different products to them, depending on how they answer.

The simple poll above I made in about 2 and a half minutes yesterday afternoon.

It was really neat!

The one thing I haven’t figured out yet?

If I can put it in an email. I’m guessing it’s possible, but I spent about 10 minutes yesterday and it didn’t seem to work. Only the top part (that says Vote & Share) showed up in the email…so I still need to work on that.

But for the price, it was totally worth it.

Even if I can only put it in web pages, it’s more than worth it.

Oh, did I mention that you don’t even need a website to use this?

You can click on “webpage” and get code where they’ll put it up and host it for you. So you can still use it.

I can think of quite a few different ways to use this…whether it’s just to see some more engagement on my site, to promote a product, or even to put someone on different lists. I’m really excited!

Oh, and if you get it through the link below, you’ll get 4 bonuses!

  • Bonus 1: Mints + Bing Traffic Flow – Here’s a neat trick that allows you to drive tens of thousands of purely targeted and ready to buy visitors for literally pennies on the dollar from Bing ads straight to your Mints App campaigns. This traffic hack is so cheap that with $25 you can get up to 5,000 targeted visitors, and it converts really well to making your customer driven funnels super profitable.
  • Bonus 2: Mints Campaign Tester – MintsApp is a really cool platform for building high converting polls and running very profitable customer driven funnels. With this new software, you’ll be able to split 2 or more Mints App campaigns automatically to find out which converts better.
  • Bonus 3: Mints $10k Affiliate Promo – You’ll learn how to build powerful Mints App campaigns that you can tie in with any affiliate or CPA offer online to get massive EPC’s, great conversion rates, and make a lot of profits. You’ll learn the $10,000 method.
  • Bonus 4: Mints App Shopified – eCommerce (Shopify) is really hot right now because it works. Combine it with a high converting customer driven funnel, and you’ll be making money. This Shopify training course focuses on showing you how to set up passive income ecommerce business with Shopify and how you can drive up your recurring sales with Mints App campaigns.

If I could do the poll above in 2 1/2 minutes, I wonder what awesome things I can come up with if I’m willing to put a little bit of time into it?

I just wanted to share it with you, as I think you’ll enjoy it too:

Get Mints App 2.0 Now!

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