Hi! I was thinking about this the other day…so I wanted to share it with you. Let me tell you about the first time I KNEW that having an online business, and affiliate marketing in particular, was something that was REAL and could be something that could earn real money.
I had been online for a few years at this point, as an affiliate marketer only. I had made some sales…nothing regular…and nothing big. It wasn’t consistent at all. I’d make a few dollars one day, and then nothing at all until the next week, where maybe I’d make another small sale.
I had found Russell Brunson and liked learning from him. I really liked the way he taught, and bought some of his products. Well after buying some of them, I became an affiliate of his and started promoting his products.
He had high quality products, and so I found it was easy to promote him. People wanted to buy his stuff. I made commissions…mostly under $50 for each transaction.
One morning, I checked my email, and saw that overnight I had made 2 sales on a huge product Russell was selling, and I made $1,000 commission for each one of them. I was SHOCKED. I didn’t think it would ever happen, even though I was promoting the product. I thought maybe someone made a mistake, and they weren’t my sales. (Looking back I’m not sure how that would be possible, but I just didn’t believe it.) They were real though, and they were mine. It was that day that I realized that I could do this. I could have an online business, and make a living off of it one day.
I’d love to tell you that from that point, I made tons of affiliate sales and was making a full time income in no time…but that wasn’t the case. It still took a LONG time to start getting consistent sales. But it really gave me the motivation to keep going. It confirmed my belief that I could do this, as long as I kept working at it and didn’t give up.
I wanted to share this because I know how hard it can be to start an online business. You might make a small sale (either affiliate commission or something of your own) but it might be few and far between. You might wonder if it’s worth it. You might wonder if you can do it.
But if you keep working at at it, and don’t give up…eventually you can get to where you want to be!