Even though you probably have a planner, you still need to make a to-do list every night before you go to bed.
Even if it’s just going over the next day in your planner, and making any changes and additions that you need to.
This is for multiple reasons:
- You might have come up with new ideas during the day that you want to accomplish the next day.
- You might have thought of something that evening, and you don’t want to forget it while you’re asleep.
- You’ll sleep a lot better if you don’t have all of this on your mind, because you know it’s written down.
- You won’t waste time the next day, trying to figure out what you should work on.
When you get up the next morning, you’ll be able to easily see what you need to get done that day, and can start working on the tasks first thing.
If you’d like to see other tips that are a part of the series, check out 30 Days to a More Productive Business.