If You Have a Blog, Do you Have a Blog Planner? (This One is Free!)

2016 Blog Planner and Calendar

Lynette Chandler has been offering the Blog Planner for 8 years now.

I’ve downloaded it for 4, but this is the first year I’ve actually started using it.

It probably won’t replace your daily planner (although if you really wanted it to, it could), but it’s really great to help plan out your posts.

The coolest part about it is that she lists things that are happening on different days/weeks/months.

So for example, January is Financial Wellness Month, so if you have a financial blog, or a blog where you talking saving money or anything like that, you can post about it. It can definitely give you ideas on what to post about, so I think that’s very helpful.

Today is Underdog day. No matter what type of blog you have, you could come up with a post about how even if you’re an underdog, you can still do x, y, and z to better yourself, etc.

For each day, there is a section for posts, emails, outreach, and offers.

Each of these are things that you need to consistently do in order to make money from your blog, so it’s great to be able to have them written down right here. This way each day you’ll know exactly what you’re doing for each of them.

There is also a section each day with different social media icons, so that you can check off once you’ve used that platform that day.

Finally, each day has 3 sets of boxes. It’s to make sure you’re using your time wisely. You check a green bubble if you do a money task, an orange bubble means “money later”, and the grey is a “no money” task. Your goal is to challenge yourself to do more money tasks each day.

I love that Lynette gives this away for free, as she could definitely charge for it.

If you spend any time at all staring at a blank screen in front of you when it’s time to post, or even worse, have a long time between posts because you don’t know what to write, you need to check this out.

It will really help you be able to plan more, and really get somewhere with your blog(s)!

Get Your Free 2016 Blog Planner & Calendar Now!

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