This is one of those days where I’m having problems putting two words together. Everyone has them. Some days it’s easy to get work done, and other days you can’t think or concentrate no matter what you do.
It’s days like this that I’m glad when I have at least some content already created and ready to go. That’s why I always love having either content created, or at least the ideas for the content. It makes things a lot easier on days where you can’t come up with any ideas…because it’s really no fun when you’re looking at a blank screen trying to figure out what to write.
In case you’re having problems coming up with unique things to write about, I wanted to send you to a blog post that has some great ideas. It’s from Alice Seba, and Ron Douglas, who both write a lot…so they know how to come up with great ideas.
What I’d do (and will do this afternoon actually), is go through each one, and write down some ideas. That way the next time I want to write something but don’t know what, I will have some great ideas ready to go.
It’s called “6 Ways to Find Unique Topics to Write About” and I hope you like it too!