Hi! If you’re new, or no one really knows you, you’re going to have a hard time selling anything. Even if you’re just promoting someone else’s products…if they don’t know you, they won’t trust you enough to believe your recommendations.
Here’s one easy way to gain someone’s trust:
Give them something for free.
If someone has never heard of you – or doesn’t know a lot about you…they aren’t going to want to give you their money. But, if you give them something so that they can get to know you better, see what type of person you are, what type of products you create (if you sell products that you create), they’ll get to know you better, as well as trust you.
What should you give away?
Something small. Something that you think could help someone. Don’t worry that you need to give them something big. It can be a short report that’s 2-3 pages.
What if you don’t have anything that you can give away? Well, you have two options.
The first is that you can take some knowledge you have, and create something.
If you can’t think of anything to create, or don’t have the time, that’s where you’ll want to use something like PLR or rebrandable content. You won’t have to create it, and can just make a few changes here and there and have some high quality content you can share with your potential customers to get them to trust you more.
If people don’t “know” you in your niche, this is a great way to start gaining trust.
P.S. Yesterday, I talked about Nicole Dean from CoachGlue, and mentioned that one of the reasons I started trusting her was because I met her at some events, and also signed up for some free things that she had given away. I think these are great examples of things that they are currently giving away, wanted to share them with you: