I wanted to share something that you might find interesting. It’s a new free masterclass from Mindvalley. It’s called Zero to 100 Million.
Miki Agrawal has built multiple $100M+ businesses over the last 15 years. In the process, she’s discovered that building an innovative business is simply a formula. For the first time, she’ll be revealing that formula.
She’ll show you how to envision and refine your idea, how to raise capital for it without the stress of business presentations, and how to PR the heck out of your product or brand even if you have a shoestring budget.
What kinds of things will you learn?
- Have you ever had an idea, and didn’t know if it was any good? She’ll show you 3 questions that will cut through the doubts, and emerge with extreme clarity.
- You’ll learn the “will my idea make money?” acid test.
- You’ll also learn how to pull off irresistible PR and publicity campaigns.