When you’re young, you don’t have much of a say in your life. You’re born into certain circumstances, and you can’t change them. Your parents are your parents whether they’re amazing and teach you everything they can, or if they ignore you almost completely. You live wherever they tell you, and do what they tell you to do as they are in charge, not you.
But as you get older, you have more and more choices that you get to make in your life. It starts out small, but eventually you’ll get to choose everything from what you want to eat each day to what you want to do with your life.
And that’s not a small thing. Getting to choose what you do with your life is a huge thing and you should take it seriously…and think about it often, as it could change.
This is why you need to have goals in your life. What you end up doing now will set you up to be successful, or not so successful.
By creating your own goals, you can make sure you to where you want to be in your life.
The real question is…once you have these goals, how do you arrive at them, and how do you even know which goals are important and should be followed?
Here are some ways to help you determine what your most important goals are in life.
Make a List
The easiest (and best) first step is to make a list. What should be on this list? Write down everything that’s important to you. Write down what you’re passionate about. Write down what you wish you could spend all of your free time doing. Write down the things you wish you could do.
Go Through the List
Now that you’ve created a list, it’s time to go through it. Take out any that are impossible. Maybe one day they won’t be. If one doesn’t fit in with the rest, figure out if it should stay on the list Think about why the things on your list are important to you. Think about them, and decide what you want to be doing with your time, and what you want to do in the future. Once you do, you’ll see what is important to you, and what you really want out of life. Then you have some goals!
Make Sure You’re Doing What YOU Want
Often, people want to make other people happy. Children become doctors or lawyers not because they want to, but because that’s what their parents want them to do. That’s not going to make them happy. Everyone around you will always have their own thoughts and ideas of what you should be doing with your life, but the only one that gets to decide is you. You need to figure out what would make you happy, and it’s your goals that should do so.
It might not be an easy thing to do, but if you follow your own path to your own goals, you’ll be a lot happier in your life.
Set Goals that Will Get You To Where You Want to Be
If you’re like most people, there are probably a lot of things you want to do in your lifetime! And that’s great…but when you’re thinking about your life goals, you need to think about those goals that will help you get there. There is only so much time in each day, that you can’t do absolutely everything that you want. You should try to stick to goals that will get you to where you want to be.
Know that you Can Always Add or Change Your Goals
Don’t think that once you set your life goals that they are set in stone. As you grow and time goes on, your life goals may change. And that’s OK! At any point you can sit down and rethink everything. Do you still feel the same way? Do you still want the same things? If not, you can absolutely make any changes to your life goals and change your life because of them.
The whole purpose of life is to be happy…so you should always make sure that your life goals are doing that!
Give Back as Well
While you want to have life goals that will make you happy, it’s always great to help others as well. There are many different ways to do this, from helping people with your time, support, money, or kindness. One of the greatest things is that by helping others, you’ll add more meaning to your own life, and will end up becoming happier because of it!
Have Goals that Resonate with Your Loved Ones
Make sure your goals fit in with those that you surround yourself with. Or at least make sure they know what your goals are. When you share them with your loved ones, they can help support you to achieve them. You also know it’s a good goal to have when the important people in our life agree with them and think that they make sense for you.
Setting life goals can sound like a daunting task, but once you have them you’ll find that you feel much better about everything. You’ll know what you’re working towards and know that one day you’ll achieve these goals!