For me, the hardest part of writing a post is coming up with the idea of the blog post.
Once I know what the post is going to be about, it really doesn’t take me very long to write the post.
But the worst thing (and most time consuming) is when I’m sitting in front of my laptop, after I click on “Add New”, and see a blank screen in front of me as I’m ready to start posting.
It takes forever to come up with an idea for a post when I’m already in front of the screen.
On the other hand, when I’m anywhere else, I have a ton of ideas. When I’m in the car, or in the shower, or in a restaurant…I come up with tons of ideas for blog posts!
So make sure you write those ideas down whenever you have them.
Get a little notebook, and keep it with you at all times. Or use Evernote, and every time you come up with an idea, put it in a note.
Then, whenever you’re ready to post, you go to that page in the notebook (or note in Evernote), and have a bunch of ideas on what to post.
I guarantee it will make it SO much easier for you to post, and you’ll be finished a lot sooner!
If you’d like to see other tips that are a part of the series, check out 30 Days to a More Productive Business.