If you’re just not getting enough done each day…there is a simple, but not fun solution.
Get up earlier.
If you can get up an entire hour earlier, that’s great…but even a half of an hour will do the trick.
There’s just something about being the only one in the house that’s awake. You just get more done.
Plus, if it’s that early, you won’t have any interruptions. The phone won’t ring. No one will need you to do something for them. You probably won’t have much email to look through (not that you should look at it first thing anyway!)
If you get up early, and use that time just to get your tasks done, you will notice that you get a lot more done.
That first hour or half hour of the day will make you more productive than an hour at any time later in the day.
There have been times that I’ve gotten more done in the first hour of the day when everyone else was asleep than I’ve gotten done for the rest of the day…and that happens often!
Part of why it works so well is that you’re still tired, and not used to being up this early…so if you’re going to be up and not nice and comfy in bed, you know you want to work and get things done.
So you don’t check your email, you don’t play around on the web. You just do what you have to do, and in turn are a lot more productive because of it.
You won’t be happy about waking up earlier. Believe me, I’m not. But you’ll definitely be a lot happier about getting the extra things accomplished.
If you’d like to see other tips that are a part of the series, check out 30 Days to a More Productive Business.