I'm Jessica Mele and have been an online entrepreneur for over 16 years. As "The Relaxed Marketer", my goal is to help you start or grow your business in the way that works best for you. Whatever your time constraints are or what you're interested in, I can help you make your business fit your life! If you have problems figuring out what to promote or talk to your audience about, check out Affiliate Marketing Monthly, where every month you'll get ideas on what to talk to your audience about, and what to promote so that you'll be happy and so will they!
I’m really enjoying that the deals and sales (both retail and Internet Marketing) are still going on. What can I say, I love a bargain! I hope you feel the …
I’ve been noticing that on some retail websites, they are now just playing around with prices, so they are low one day, and higher the next, just so they can …
We have a little more than a month left before the end of the year. You’re probably thinking about what you’ve accomplished…and what you haven’t. Maybe you’ve thought of starting …
I love finding the best deals, whether it’s for the latest Blu-Ray, clothing I want to buy, or even a new TV. Speaking of finding the best deals, I wanted …
On Thursday, Angela Wills is holding a workshop called “Turn Your Ideas into Offers”. If you’ve ever had a bunch of ideas, but had no idea what to do with …
For almost everyone, $10 million sounds like a really big number. Of course, it’s all relative to what you’re talking about. Compared to a billionaire’s portfolio, or a country’s GDP, …