![Overwhelmed by Work](https://relaxedmarketer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/OverwhelmedbyWork.jpg)
Are you overwhelmed with your business?
Whenever I get overwhelmed, I find that it’s because I have so many ideas in my head that I don’t know what I should work on first, and so I end up getting nothing accomplished. I also find that if I don’t plan out when I’ll be doing those tasks, that I feel like whenever I am relaxing that I should be working.
That’s why I do the following whenever I start getting overwhelmed, and it not only helps me decide what to work on first, but lets me relax when I am not working.
If you’re getting overwhelmed and don’t know what to do next, I strongly suggest you try this as well.
It’s going to sound so simple, that you don’t think it will work.
But try it.
I think you’ll be really surprised at the results.
First, get out a notebook, or open a blank screen on your computer so you can type your thoughts.
Then, write down absolutely everything that’s on your mind with your business.
I’m talking about listing the things you want to do, the posts you want to write, the products you want to create, where you want the business to go, etc…
Do you have multiple websites? Do this for each one. Make sure you get everything on paper, as you want to get it all out of your head so you can see what needs to be done, and hopefully reduce the stress and overwhelm that you’re feeling.
All done?
Now go through and read it all. As you do, decide if it’s something that’s a priority for you or not. If you’re not sure how to tell, if it’s something you need to do in order to move onto making money, then it’s a priority. If it’s a task that will help you earn more money, it’s a priority. If it’s something like getting a new header, then it might not be a priority for you right now.
After you have created a list of your priorities, figure out the order you’re going to work on them…and when.
Even if you only have an hour a day to work on your business, that’s not a problem. But make at least somewhat of a schedule on when you will work on these items.
To make it simple to follow, here’s exactly what I do. Trust me, it works:
- Take out a notebook (or open up a notepad on your computer.)
- Write down all tasks you need to do for your business.
- Go through and prioritize them – or at least separate the ones that should make you money.
- Set aside time to work on the tasks that should bring you money.
Do this anytime you get overwhelmed, and you’ll see that you will be getting more done, making more money, and will be more relaxed overall.