What Will Your Business be like Next Year? (I just got these AWESOME Planners!)

Leonie Dawson - Life and Business Planners

Lately, whenever I’m reading something about productivity or building your business, there is one word that is ALWAYS in the forefront: plan.

It seems that if you don’t plan, no matter how good your intentions are, you’ll never reach your goals. Unless you plan, you won’t get your business (or your life) to where you want it to be.

So little by little, I’ve been trying to plan more.

I am SO SO excited by what just came in the mail. Earlier this year, I purchased Leonie Dawson’s “My Shining Year” planners for 2017. It includes both the life and the business planner, and I can not wait to go through them.

It really digs down into the little things, and helps you figure out what you did right (and wrong) this year, so that next year can be even better. While some are general, there are also specific questions as well!

Leonie includes a page of the types of results you should see from using this workbook. Here are just a few of them: Increased income, reach your business goals faster, better work-life balance, more clarity in direction for biz and life, have your best year in business, and more.

My Planners

My copies! I can’t wait to start filling them out.

Here are just a few of the pages I’ve flipped through in the business planner:

  • Are you using different systems that can help you make more money and spend less time? There are pages you go through and check yes or no.
  • How do you currently spend your time? How do you want to spend your time?
  • What free opt-in offers will you create this year?
  • What did you earn the most money with in 2016?
  • What was the worst thing about our business in 2016? What did you learn from this?

That is just a few out of the 160 pages in this book! It will help you go through your entire business, and think about how you can make it better for 2017!

She also has one for personal life as well. I got it because while I want my business to be awesome next year, I also want my entire life to be awesome – even when I’m not working!

Leonie also includes a page of the types of results you should see from using this workbook. Here are just a few of them: More dreams and goals achieved, increased self-confidence, purpose, direction and motivation, improved productivity, a wild surge of joyful creativity, a tribe of wonderful, inspiring new friends, and more!

Here are just a few of the pages I’ve flipped through in the life planner:

  • What would you like to learn in 2017?
  • What is your savings goal this year? What can I do to increase my income this year / What can I do to reduce expenses this year?
  • What could you do that would help the world change
  • How would you life to celebrate your birthday this year?
  • 100 things to do in 2017

The more you plan, the more likely you have to have the life and business you want. That’s why I can’t wait to fill these out, and make next year my best year ever.

She still has copies left, so if you’re interested in either (or both), you can still get them.

If you prefer, you can get a downloadable version for less. I went with the physical workbooks because that way I know I’ll fill them out!

Join me in making 2017 the best year yet for your business and life!


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