Hi! I know I’ve brought up the date already a few times the past few weeks, but I was thinking about it myself, so that I could make sure that I accomplished what I wanted to before the end of the year. I want to make sure that you do the same, so you don’t end up disappointed at the end of December.
If you’re not anywhere near accomplishing your goals, but still want to make sure you look back at 2019 as the year your business took off, here are a few things that can truly help you.
- Cindy Bidar wants to give you the training, support, and step-by-step clarity you need to go from no business at all to six figures.Not only will you get a lot of training, but there are 4 ways to get personalized help! So this isn’t a course where you have no support. I’ll let you check out for yourself how you can get any help you need below…but if you join by midnight on September 30th, you’ll also get a 10 minute clarity call to help you get started. I’m sure you know how valuable that can be!
- Alice Seba just released a Personal Development Email Power Pack with 5 ready-to-publish newsletters, 60 done-for-you autoresponder messages, and more…all for $9.95. Talk about a ton of content! You can do a lot with this, and really come across as an expert in your field too.
- Russell Brunson just announced a lot of huge changes to ClickFunnels, his system of getting your funnel up and running right now. He’s added a lot of incredible features and training with FunnelFix, FollowUp Funnels, and more. Forget all of that for now though. You can get a 14-day trial for free below. So why spend any money at all when you can first get your funnel up and see if it makes you any money?
- Gary Ryan Blair’s 100 Day Challenge is now going on, and if you want to finish your year strong, and get more done between now and the end of the year than you did up until this point in the year, you have to check this out.
There you have it. Here are 4 different ways you can end your year great. Learn how to go from no business to having 6 figures with lots of help, get PLR that you can use any way you want to and go from being unknown to an expert in your field, create your first funnel for free, or join a challenge that will get you to work smarter than you have before, to accomplish all of your goals before we hit 2020.