These Can Help You Start the New Year Successfully!

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Hi! It’s Friday! I still don’t know how we’re in December already! But we are, and now we need to finish the year strong and get prepared for what we wan to accomplish next year. That way we can start the year off right and get a lot accomplished. I plan on going through all of my sites and seeing what’s working and what isn’t.

Here are some really cool deals that can help you start your year off better:

Sharyn Sheldon just released a done-for-you Content Management Bootcamp. It will help your customers figure out what they want to be known for through their content, organize what they have, and figure out how to fill in any gaps. They’ll also make sure each piece aligns with an offer (free or paid) so that it drives them towards their business goals.

Alice Seba just released an “Inspire Your Audience” super pack that includes enough content to inspire your audience throughout 2019, and also includes the content marketing plant o help you make the most of all of your content. It includes a content marketing guide, personal development list building packages, opt-in pages, ecover sets, and so much more. For the next 4 days, it’s only $27, then it goes up to $77.

CoachGlue’s offer for today is the workshop “Money Mindset to Help You Soar”. With code 2018, it’s only $47, saving you $250. This will help your audience change their beliefs around money so that they can finally set and achieve big goals that they see so many others making.


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