What I Learned from this Sales Letter

10x Secrets Russell Brunson

Yesterday I mentioned how Russell Brunson was releasing a new product called 10X Secrets, but at the time I didn’t know any more about it because it hadn’t come out yet. All I could say was that he always has high quality products, and I doubted that this would be any different.

Well, now it’s out, and I’ve had a chance to look at the sales letter…and I suggest when yo have a few minutes, you do the same (even if you’re an affiliate and have no products of your own.)

If you want to learn how to sell without “selling”…this sales letter does a great job of it! You can pick up a lot just from reading the sales letter.

Russell starts out with a story. It’s interesting enough (at least it was to me) that I wanted to read the whole thing and find out what happened.

Even once he’s finished his story and starts telling us about what’s included, he’s not saying “you have to buy this”, he’s just sharing what you’ll get, and making you excited for it.

He shares some testimonials, so you know what results other people have gotten. He also answers possible questions you might have. He then overdelivers, by giving away some bonuses as well that people who buy the product will want.

What I also thought was really interesting was if you click off the page, you get a pop up box saying that you can watch the $3.2 Million presentation for free.

So what did I get out of all of this?

  1. Share an interesting story that relates to why someone would want the product.
  2. Include testimonials sharing how others succeed when they use the product.
  3. Answer some possible questions someone would have about the product so they don’t have any reasons not to buy it.
  4. Give free bonuses, so that you’re overdelivering and it becomes a no brainer to buy the product.
  5. Consider offering an alternative option if someone isn’t going to buy the product. At least get them on your list.

I think that’s pretty good to get from just a sales letter! I’m sure the product is also incredible, but I think it’s cool to get a lot out of the sales letter itself.

Earlier I suggested that even if you’re an affiliate marketer with no products of their own, this sales letter can still help you. Why? Because you’re still selling. You are convincing people to buy something, even if it’s not your product. You can still do a lot of the things above. In your email/post/social media update you can still give a great story about you using the product, answer any questions people might have, etc. You can also give a bonus. You can say that if someone buys through your link, you’ll give them xyz to help them with it. You can even offer your help if you want. “If you buy this through my link and have any questions, please email me at xyz.”

When you have some free time, I suggest taking a look at the sales letter. Maybe you’ll even get something out of it that I didn’t list:


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