75% Off High Quality PLR: Do this with it!

Prime PLR 75% Off

Yesterday I mentioned that Jimmy D. Brown is retiring 6 of his products, and you can get either personal rights or PLR rights to any (or all) of them for 75% off each when you use code CLOSEOUT75JM.

I just wanted to tell you a little more about them, and maybe give you a few ideas of what you can do with them…

  1. Imfoproducts 3.0 – There are over 325 pages of previously unreleased reports, checklists, worksheets, products, and more. If you get PLR rights to this, you can have multiple products to sell. In fact, you can create an awesome funnel with it. You could use a few of the checklists as a free opt-in report, sell one of the shorter reports as a $7 report to get people buying from you, and then one of the bigger reports for $27, $37, or more. You could even have an up-sell of coaching, which would help you earn more as well. Of course, you can sell the whole product as one big bundle as well.
  2. Freelance Force – This is a five step formula to help someone create their own profitable freelance team. There are 10 different lessons, so you could not only sell this as a product, but as a course, and send them one lesson via email each week. There are 5 bonuses that you can include as well, which will make more people want to buy it. Also there is a free cheat-sheet you can give away so people will be more interested in the course!
  3. Freemium Funds – This is a 12 module course. You can sell it as a premium course at $97 each. You can turn it into a 12 part ecourse as well. If you want (although this is more work), you can make each module into its own report, and sell it individually. You can of course add coaching onto it as an upsell, and make even more.
  4. Passive Monthly – This is also a 12 module course, and will help someone learn 12 ways to earn passive income for their business. I’m sure you can see how many people would be interested in that. You an sell this as one premium course, 12 different reports, or an ecourse where they get 1 module per week/month. You can help them along with either group coaching, personal coaching, or email coaching, and you’ll make more as well.
  5. Blog Ease – This will help someone learn how to make running a blog faster, easier, and more profitable. There are 4 modules, so you can make it a course over a month where they get one module each week. You can sell them the whole course at once. And just like the others, you can offer some sort of coaching as an upsell. A lot of people are interested in earning from a blog, so that will help you make sales.
  6. Social Ease – This will help someone learn how to earn with social media. There are over 340 pages of tutorials, checklists, cheat sheets, swipes, templates, and more, and 5 modules. You can sell this as one big course, or break it up however you want. Again, add some form of coaching to charge even more!

As you can see, these courses all include a lot of information! Since they’re all from Jimmy, I know that they’re all high quality. I’ve purchased many of his products, so I can tell you for sure that not only will you like the quality of them, but the people who buy the products from you will as well.

If you want your own high quality courses to sell, I’d take a look at these. Even at full price they’re worth it…but at 75% off, it’s an amazing bargain. You can have your own courses up and running in just a few hours!

Just make sure you use CLOSEOUT75JM to get 75% off any of them. You can use the code as many times as you want.

If you don’t want PLR, you can just buy personal rights to the products as well to learn from them. Personally, I think it’s worth getting the PLR so that you can sell them as your own…but they’re still great to learn from as well.

If you want to get personal or PLR rights to Jimmy’s products before he retires them, check it out now!


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