Is it really only the 9th? I feel like the challenge has been going a lot longer. My problem hasn’t been coming up with ideas, it’s been coming up with time to write the posts!
Yesterday morning I adopted two new kittens, a brother and sister. We lost our almost 13-year old cat Halley last year, and I’ve been devastated since then. I still am, but we decided it was a good time to get a new cat, and this time we’d get two so that they could play together and keep each other company.
As I was getting my daughter ready for camp yesterday morning, before I picked the cats up…we got a message saying that the camp was canceled for the day due to no electricity.
So I spent the day trying to get two new kittens used to the house in a house that wasn’t so quiet, and with a little girl who was really excited to have two new kittens in the house.
So surprisingly enough, I got no work done at all. I didn’t even get to write or send out the email that I was planning on.
I know these things happen though, and so today when I had the time,I wrote the email I was planning on, as well as the two posts for yesterday and today for the challenge.
My original plan for the week was to have Saturday and Sunday posts done before the weekend…but at this point I was lucky to get caught up today! It’s not a huge deal though. At some point this weekend I’ll just come up with two posts.
Get posting!
This post is part of a One Blog Post a Day Challenge! Hopefully by the end of the month you’ll have 31 new blog posts, more traffic, more engagement, and more income too!