Right now I feel like I can do anything!
After I did my last post (a week ago today I might add), I had every intention of doing another post or two for the challenge. I still had to catch up after all.
But I just couldn’t get myself to. I got nothing else done with the challenge that day. Or the next. Or the one after that. Or even the one after that. Then it was Sunday, and I wasn’t going to do any work then. You can see where this is going. Monday and yesterday didn’t go any better.
Today I decided I HAD to catch up. That this point, I’m 9 posts behind, plus had to write a post for today.
I was completely overwhelmed. 10 posts is a lot to do in one day.
So I did the only thing I could. Batch them.
What does that mean? It’s when you do a bunch of the same thing at the same time. It saves time.
So I just batched 10 posts.
How did I do that?
First, I came up with 10 post names (which included what the post would be about.) Then, I went on Pixabay, and downloaded 10 pictures that I’ll use in the posts.
Then I opened up Microsoft Paint, and added text to all 10 of the posts. Then I opened up 10 new windows and started 10 new posts. First, I put all of the post names in. Then I changed the date on 9 of them so they’d all have the correct day.
Then I added the categories, tags, and featured image for each one.
After that I uploaded all 10 pictures and added them to the individual posts.
After that, I added in my signature to each post, including a link to the first post which lists all of the finished posts.
It sounds like a lot, but I got all of the above done in about 45 minutes, and that also included the time I spent chasing my new kitten off of the stove, kitchen counter, etc…
All I had to do after that was write the posts!
With everything else finished, just having to write the post made it seem so much more manageable. And it really was.
It went pretty quickly after that…and soon after lunch time, I was completely caught up. Now I only have to come up with 3 more ideas to post about. I’m going to try my best to do them all tomorrow, but as I am taking my new kittens to the vet, I might end up doing one post tomorrow, and writing the next two on Friday.
But either way, I did catch up, and I feel really good about that.
If you ever feel overwhelmed by what you need to do, consider doing it in “batch”. Or at least only worry about one step at a time.
But if you take nothing else from this post…you can be way behind, and STILL finish your challenge. It doesn’t matter when you finish. One day you’ll have 31 posts that will look great and will bring traffic to your site.
This post is part of a One Blog Post a Day Challenge! Hopefully by the end of the month you’ll have 31 new blog posts, more traffic, more engagement, and more income too!