31 Day Blog Post Challenge (Day 15)

31 Blog Post Challenge Day 15

We’re almost halfway there! I still need to come up with an idea for about 9 more posts. As I’ve been writing them, I’ve come up with a few more ideas. In a few days, I’ll start doing some research to come up with the 9 post ideas so that I’m not stuck spending time the last few days coming up with a new idea each day.

If you’re not promoting anything with each post, now is a great time to come up with something. If you’re not building your list, this is also a good time to start it. You could even put the series of posts together as a report and give that away for free.

Get posting!


This post is part of a One Blog Post a Day Challenge! Hopefully by the end of the month you’ll have 31 new blog posts, more traffic, more engagement, and more income too!

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