We’re a full 2 weeks into the challenge now! Hopefully you’re keeping up, or if you haven’t had the time, are close enough that a few extra posts should get you there. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you are a day or two off…when you finish, all anyone will see is 31 posts, and won’t realize if they were all posted at the exact right time.
One of the reasons I like having the ideas for my posts all listed ahead of time, is I can plan which post I’m going to do each day. What do I mean by that? Well, some are really easy for me. All I have to do is open a new post, and in about 10 minutes or so I can get the posts written out. I have the knowledge in my head, and I don’t need to do much to get it on “paper.”
Other posts, I know I’ll have to do some research on. There are also some posts that I know that I’m going to want to put links to other websites in, when I know it will be helpful for them. (Some will be affiliate links, and some won’t. I’ll only use an affiliate link if it’ll help my reader.) So those types of posts I like to save for when I have a bit more time.
Get posting!
This post is part of a One Blog Post a Day Challenge! Hopefully by the end of the month you’ll have 31 new blog posts, more traffic, more engagement, and more income too!