30 Days to a More Productive Business

30 Days to a More Productive Business

Now that it’s almost the end of summer, and school is starting up, it’s the perfect time to “get back to business”.

Whether you’re just getting back to the point where you can put your full efforts into your business, or nothing has changed since the summer, September and “back to school” is a great time to put your efforts into making your business better.

One way to make your business better is to be more productive.

When you’re more productive, you get more done, and often in less time.

It also means that you have more time to relax, and you’ll be stressed a lot less.

If you like that idea, then follow along throughout the month of September, where every day you’ll get a new tip on how to be more productive.

Will all of them work for you?

Probably not. But most will, and even just picking a few of them could double your productivity.

Here is a month of productivity tips.

I hope they help you!

  1. Know Your Goals
  2. Have a Good Planner
  3. Do Your Most Important Task First
  4. Consider Getting Up a Half Hour Earlier
  5. Make a List the Night Before
  6. Do You Have a Blog? Have a List of Titles Ready to Go
  7. Work on What You Want to Work On
  8. When You’re Working, Batch.
  9. Take Time to Relax
  10. Get up and Move
  11. Stay Away from Email and Facebook
  12. Drink More Water
  13. Set Time Blocks
  14. Work Less
  15. Let People Know When You Aren’t Available
  16. Get a Good Night’s Sleep
  17. Do Your Brainstorming at 2pm
  18. Play Music or White Noise to Focus Better
  19. Reward Yourself for Finishing a Task
  20. Track Your Time
  21. Do it Now – No Such Thing as the Perfect Time
  22. If It Takes Less Than 5 Minutes, Do It Now
  23. Create Accountability
  24. Figure Out When You’re Most Productive
  25. Remove Distractions
  26. Be Organized
  27. Don’t Multi-Task
  28. Review What You Have Done
  29. Do What Brings in the Money First
  30. Outsource
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