How Would Your Life Change if When You Wrote New Content, People Loved it, Shared it, and Bought what you Promoted?

How Would Your Life Change if When You Wrote New Content, People Loved it, Shared it, and Bought what you Promoted?

Affiliate Marketing is probably the fastest and easiest way to make money online. You can make even more if you're doing the right things!  Read on to find out how you can get your audience to look forward to your promotions! 

Affiliate Marketing is probably the fastest and easiest way to make money online. You can make even more if you're doing the right things!  Read on to find out how you can get your audience to look forward to your promotions! 

“I love Affiliate Marketing.  Where else can you make money for doing something you do all of the time anyway?"

- Jessica Mele


Affiliate Marketing Monthly

If you're not sure how to get your audience to like you more and buy more from you, you need to learn what to talk about, and what to promote.  

Affiliate Marketing Monthly will help you share more about what's going on in your life so that your audience can get to know you better and like you more.  You'll also learn helpful things that you can promote (in and out of your niche) that will really help your audience, and will have them asking for more recommendations!

Each month, you'll get multiple high quality things to talk about and promote, all while staying genuine and real no matter what your niche is.

Are you sick of staring at a blank screen?

It can be hard to come up with what to talk to your audience about, and what to promote to them.  With Affiliate Marketing Monthly, you'll never have to wonder again.  Instead, you'll have many timely things to talk about and share with them.

Movie Theater

I'm sure you tell your friends when you see a great movie.  You probably tell them how amazing it was, and some of them then go out and go see the movie in the theater, or buy a copy of it to watch at home.  This is affiliate marketing, and you can make money by sharing your favorite things!

When you find an amazing product you like, you should be sharing it as well!  You're doing a great favor to your audience by sharing these things with them.  They'll be thanking you, and following you more closely because it.

Working on a Laptop

Products to Promote that You Never Thought of!

Sure, if you're in the Internet Marketing niche, you're going to promote Internet Marketing products. If you're in the Fishing niche, you'll promote Fishing products.  But along with getting products you can promote that might be in your niche, you'll also get suggestions of things you can easily promote that aren't in your niche, and yet still work!

Yes, really.  By sharing other things you like and use, you'll be helping your audience and they'll thank you for it.

Stop Spending Your Time Looking for Affiliate Programs

Once you find a product you want to promote, it can be a pain to figure out how you can promote it.  You usually have to get permission, but from where?

For the products we suggest, we'll tell you exactly how you can promote them making it easy to just request permission to promote, and then put your link in and go.  And with some, you won't even need to request permission.  Just get the link and go.  It's easy!

Recurring Income / High Ticket Items

Who wouldn't want to do the work once, and get paid over and over again?  Who wouldn't want to sell something where they make $100 or more for every sale?  That's why each month you'll also get some recurring income products you can promote, so that you can keep getting paid even after you're done promoting the products, as well as high ticket items so that you can earn a large commission with the sale of one product.

What's Inside

Here's What You'll Get Each Month

Mele's Money Makers:  This is the $$$$ in each issue.  See what you should be promoting next month.  Find out when products are launching so you can promote them.  Learn what the best selling products in different niches are.  Find out exactly what products you should be promoting, and where to get your links.  Get great content ideas based on what's going on next month, and what it's a great time to buy.

Jessica's Affiliate Advice:  This is where you'll learn how to be a better affiliate.  This section will let you know how you can earn more money each month.  You'll learn things like how to make your blog better, how to get people to open your emails, and more.  There are lots of small things you can do that will make a big difference in your income!  So find out what you can do to increase your income.

Jessica's Content Idea Generators: It can be difficult to come up with ideas of what to talk to your audience about.  Whether it's via your blog, podcast, emails, or any other way, sometimes you just have no idea what to say!  Most of these content idea generators will help you write about things within your niche.  You'll end up with high quality content that your audience will be excited to read.  Other content idea generators will help you come up with other things to talk about.  There are so many things you can talk about that you probably haven't even thought of, and they'll be helpful to your audience as well as help earn you more money!

Get More Traffic

When you're sharing more content, you'll notice that you get more traffic from the search engines.  You'll also find that people will start returning to your site more as they want to read your new content.

Grow Your Tribe

Those that really like you and want to follow everything you do you become part of your tribe. When you're helping them solve their problems, sharing your life with them, and more, you're tribe will be bigger and better!

Make More Money

This is almost an unintended side effect, but greatly appreciated of course!  More content (especially when it's high quality) means more traffic and more followers.  While you're sharing more about you and your life, and the things you like, and are helping people solve their problems within your niche, you'll find that you'll start earning more money as well.

Get Affiliate Marketing Monthly to Grow Your Following

When you're promoting products that people like and talking about things that your audience identifies with, you'll grow your following.  Make it easy to know what to talk about and promote each month, and stop staring at blank screens every day!

About the Author

Me in the woods

Hi, I’m Jessica Mele.

Hi! I'm Jessica Mele. I'm an Internet Marketer, but really consider myself an Affiliate Marketer.  I love promoting other people's products, and think you will too.

I want to show you how easy it is to earn an online income by sharing with people your favorite products and brands.  You'll be surprised how simple it is!

Looking for 1-on-1 Help?  Get Coaching Each Month

If part of your problem is that you have problems or get stuck with what to promote or how to promote it, let me help.  Choose the option with Email Coaching, and I'll answer any affiliate marketing questions you have, Monday through Thursday.

Charter Membership:  Special pricing for the first 50 members!

Affiliate Marketing Monthly

Make it easy to know what to promote, get content ideas, and learn how to earn more.




  • Mele's Money Makers - More than a month's worth of products to promote next month, and ideas of what to talk about.
  • Jessica's Affiliate Advice - Learn things you can do to earn more as an affiliate!
  • Jessica's Content Idea Generators - Get 10 ideas each month for posts/emails/etc.. that can work in almost any niche.
  • You'll get November's issue immediately.
Affiliate Marketing Monthly  + Email Coaching

You'll get everything from Affiliate Marketing Monthly + Email me Mon-Thurs with your affiliate marketing questions and I'll help!




  • Mele's Money Makers - More than a month's worth of products to promote next month, and ideas of what to talk about.
  • Jessica's Affiliate Advice - Learn things you can do to earn more as an affiliate!
  • Jessica's Content Idea Generators - Get 10 ideas each month for posts/emails/etc.. that can work in almost any niche.
  • Email me with any affiliate marketing questions you have, and I'll reply Monday - Thursday.
  • You'll get November's issue immediately.


Here are some common questions about Affiliate Marketing Monthly.

Will it help me come up with things to promote to people in my specialized niche?

What if I see something I'd like to promote, but can't figure out a way to work it into my niche?

Can I return this product?

When will the next issue be released?

How many product promotion ideas will I get each month?

Will I be able to promote all of the products in the list if I want to?

What if you don't have products for my niche included?

It's past the middle of the month and the next month's issue comes out soon.  Should I just wait or will this month's issue still be helpful to me?

Still not sure if this is for you?

Here's a Sneak Peak Inside November:

  • Promote THIS and make $100 per sale.  Many Internet Marketers and other Business Owners need this.
  • Find out how you can build your list for free.
  • Learn where you can get free content to give away to build your list.
  • Promote THIS free challenge and you could end up making $250 in commission.
  • Promote this book which has been on Amazon's most read list for over 200+ weeks now.
  • Promote cool expensive items from here so that you can help your audience get the best holiday gifts!
  • Promote these items in November as they always have great deals!
  • ...and more!

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