Start Getting More Traffic and Making More Money Each Month with New Methods that are Sent Directly to Your Inbox.
Learn How to Monetize Your Business by Being Yourself!
Monetize Your Business with Ease
No matter what type of business you have, you need to get new traffic to it each month, or you won't make money. With this membership site, you'll constantly learn how to get new people to your site or any web page that you want.
Monetizing everything you do is a great way to earn more money. Each month you'll learn more ways to monetize what you're doing to increase your profits.
You know what happens as well as I do. You buy a course on one topic and start learning it, only to realize that you also want to use another platform or method of making money as well. Now you have to buy another course. This keeps going on and on. With Monetize Your Business, each month you'll learn new ways to get traffic and make money.
You hear this all the time. You have to do THIS to make money. You have to create videos. You have to have webinars. You have to do <insert whatever the latest thing is> if you want to make money. Well I want to tell you, that's all CRAP! You can be 100% YOU and still make money. You don't have to do things that you don't want to do. That's why this is so great. Choose what makes YOU happy, and do those things!
Once you have more ways to monetize, and are getting more traffic, you'll have more free time and can spend that time doing what you enjoy. You'll also realize that being yourself will make your life a whole lot happier!
You NEED to Start Making More Money Now
It can be very difficult to make money online.
They make it sound so easy. You just put up a website, put a few links on it, and magic, you'll be a millionaire before the end of the year.
But that is very rarely the case! (OK, it's never the case. Wishful thinking though!)
It takes a lot of work to create your business, and even more to actually make money from it.
Even if you have a product, or a website, it can be very difficult to monetize it and actually see an income from your business.
How do I know? I've been an Internet Marketer for over a decade now. 11 years to be exact, and will be the first to tell you that it took YEARS and YEARS until I was making consistent money online.
Sure, I would get an affiliate commission here for thirty five cents, and maybe a few days later for a whole THREE DOLLARS if I was lucky...but it was never consistent, and it sure wasn't enough to live on.
I can't tell you how depressing it was. You put your whole life into something, and get almost nothing out of it! It's not easy to do...but if you're persistent like me, I know you won't give up.
So I completely get it. Not only do you need to know how to make money online in general, but you need to know specifics – how to get your ideas out there, how to get people on Facebook to click on your links, and more. You even need to know how to have multiple money making opportunities on your blog so that more people will spend money on your site!
That's where Monetize Your Business comes in!
This is What You Get Each and Every Month:
Each month, you'll get at least 2 new training resources that will help you make more money with your business. These will always be on different topics that will help you get more sales, more traffic, and more. No matter what type of business you have, you'll be able to use these to help you get to the next level.
Haven't started one yet? No problem! These resources will tell you exactly how to start so that you can make money online doing what you LOVE to do!
There are a lot of different ways to make money out there, but it really boils down to two things. You can create your own products or promote other people's products. You'll learn how to do both of these in many different ways, so that you can have the business and the life that you've always dreamed of.
Because let's face it. There's no point on having an online business if you can't have the life you've always dreamed of to go with it!
Here are just some of the topics you'll get training on:
- How to create your dream business
- How to use email marketing to turn your new leads into customers in 1 week
- How to double your list
- How to have your best year ever
- How to get your first Kindle book done in 30 days
- How to use webinars to grow your list, make more money, and become better known.
- ...and so much more!
Since each month you'll get training on at least 2 different topics, you won't have to worry about not being ready for the training. At least one of them will be something you're ready to use to grow your business.
I really want to make it easier for you to earn money online though, and know that it can be difficult to do it on your own, so I'm going to do something to take away that problem.
You'll get me!
As long as you're a member, you can send me an email up to once a week with any questions or problems you have. I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as I can, and to give you the help you need, even if it's just to point you in the right direction.
I know what it's like to get stuck on something...and you don't do ANYTHING for days or even weeks at a time. If you only had someone you could ask, you know you'd be able to move on right away.
Well, now you don't have that problem. Just send me an email, and I'll do whatever I can to help you!
This is What You'll Get:

Training on at least 2 different topics
Each month will vary so that no matter where in your business you are, you'll be able to take advantage of them. You'll learn how to get more traffic, make more money, save time, work less, and more.

Office Hours
= You get me!
You can send me one email a week, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If I can't help you, I will point you in the direction of a resource that can.
I know the feeling of "being stuck" and don't want it to happen to you! This will make sure you can get to the next step and be making more money sooner.

Unannounced Bonuses
There will often be unannounced bonuses to help you as well. This will come in the form of checklists, graphics, reports, and other great resources that will help you get to making money faster.
I also want to make it easy for you to GET the training.
I know other people who have fancy membership sites set up, where you need to not only remember yet another login and password, but have to remember to go into the site each month to get your training, before it disappears.
That won't happen here.
Each month, you'll get an email with links directly to download the training.
No logins to remember. No passwords to remember. No need to remember to log into a site each month so you can get your training.
Just check your email each month, click the links, and download your training.
Then it's on your computer for whenever you're ready for it!
At this point, you're probably wondering how much this is going to cost.
Not only will you get 2 incredible training resources each month (usually in pdf format), but you'll get access to me once a week, whenever you need it.
But I wasn't kidding when I said earlier that I really, truly want to help people.
So I want to make this inexpensive enough that anyone can join, and money isn't an issue.
I was told I should charge at least $127 for this, because of the quality of the training, plus the cost of email coaching (I charge $97 a month for email coaching as you can see on my main website.) But I wanted to make it more affordable.
I was then told that a great price would be $47, because the training alone costs more than that (and you can buy some of them separately on my website, so you'll see it's true!), but again, I wanted it to be more affordable.
So today, right now, it will only cost you $27 per month to join. I can't promise it will stay this way for long...but you can get email coaching once a week whenever you need it, plus at least 2 training resources for just $27.
Start Today!
You'll get access to your first set of training materials immediately!
Only $27 per month

2 Lessons
- 1 weekly coaching email
- 100% satisfaction guarantee
Is this Membership Right for You?
Of course this isn't for everybody. I don't want you to think it is!
- If you're making less than $2,000 per month.
- If you've tried making money online, but just aren't getting anywhere.
- If you're stressed and frustrated because you keep doing what you're "supposed" to do, but haven't seen the results.
- If you keep getting stuck and wish you had someone you could talk to to get past it.
- If you are willing to put in the work to make an income online.
- If you're 100% brand new to making money online and don't even know any of the methods to make money first.
- If you're already making a full time income online. While you'll definitely still learn a lot, this is geared more towards beginners.
- If you're not willing to put time and effort into your business. This is not a magic button. With each new lesson, you'll have to read it and then put it into action. It will take work - but the work will have a great payoff.

Grow Your Business or Get Your Money Back
I will personally give you a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. If you're not happy with the training and one on one help, I will gladly give you your money back, no questions asked.